Policies and Frequently Asked Questions
Summit is unique in many ways. It is a good idea to get familiar with its policies and principles.
School Policies
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are we a private school?
Summit School is a private school in the public interest subsidized by the Ministry of Education. Parents are responsible to pay an annual registration fee of $500 which is subject to change.
2. Is there a waiting list?
Yes, applications should be made as early as possible. There is no deadline to submit your application.
3. What is the staff/pupil ratio?
Our average class is made up of 12 students with a minimum of 2 staff.
4. Do we have therapists on the premises?
Yes. Click to learn more about each department.
Psychologists, behavior technicians and social workers.
5. Is an English Eligibility Certificate required?
Yes, please apply with your local English School board.
6. What is the application process? (Go to Admissions Page)
YOU MUST INFORM YOUR LOCAL ENGLISH SCHOOL BOARD that you are applying. Your child will not be considered without an “Entente” from your School Board. Send in the most recent reports listed on the first page of the application. Once these are received, your application will be processed.
7. When can I expect some feedback regarding my child’s application?
Applications are reviewed by our intake committee starting in January through to June, and from mid August to the end of September. If the committee feels that there is an appropriate program for your child an evaluation will be arranged at our school. A decision on whether or not your child is accepted will be confirmed some time after the evaluation.
For any questions or concerns regarding the application process please contact our Registrar:
Lucy Orsini
(514)744-2867 ext. 266