Occupational Therapy
Student's at Summit School benefit from a holistic approach to their education and personal growth.
Summit School’s Occupational Therapists (O.T.s) help our students to be as independent as possible in their daily occupations, which include:
Self-care (dressing, eating, hygiene)
Productivity (school performance, work skills)
Leisure activities (play, extracurricular activities, hobbies)
We work in conjunction with classroom teachers and the rest of the school team by providing in-class consultation, adaptive strategies and materials, group interventions and individual assessment and intervention. This promotes the students' development and maximizes their performance in the following areas:

Intervention Areas
Sensory Processing and
Sensory Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Facilitating the processing of
sensory information from the environment and their own bodies in order to achieve and maintain an appropriate level of sensory and emotional regulation so that the students can participate successfully in school activities.
Visual Perceptual Skills
Supporting the development
of body awareness, postural stability, bilateral coordination, eye-hand coordination, and motor planning in order to promote an upright posture and to support participation in physical activities at school and in the community.
Handwriting Skills
Facilitating the development of hand strength, finger dissociation & strength, grasps, dexterity, 2 hand use; all of which are necessary to manipulate objects and school tools such as pencils and scissors.
Activities of Daily Living
These skills help students organize and interpret what they see and give it meaning, paving the way for academic learning such as reading and writing. We also support the development of eye movement control (oculo-motor skills) in order to track objects or visually scan a stencil.
Supporting the students as they learn to grasp and control a pencil in order to form letters correctly and express themselves on paper.
Supporting independence in the areas of feeding, dressing, hygiene, toileting, food preparation and
Community Skills
Leisure Skills
Vocational Skills
Encouraging independence in the areas of pedestrian safety, navigation and public transportation to allow the students to travel safely within the community.
Exploration of pleasurable activities to do during free time to help the student build a meaningful self-identity.
Supporting the student in the learning of practical skills that would allow them to have more success with a trade or job.